ULEMASA – Upholding worker’s rights through building bridges

Darlington Karumbidza - President of ULEMASA

11 May 2021

In his inaugural address Mr Darlington Karumbidza, recently elected President of ULEMASA - Union for Local Employees in Missions Accredited to South Africa expressed gratitude for the support and confidence for his presidency. He also congratulated the rest of the members of the National Executive Committee (NEC) for their election.

“As the current democratically elected President of ULEMASA, I am proud to reiterate our mission once more and the vision we are espousing in the interest of local employees working under diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of South Africa.

"I am confident that driving the agenda of equal opportunities for all, equal treatment to all, deserving compensation to all and honouring of ‘UBUNTU’ is a loud cry not only for ULEMASA members. I call on all employers to remain faithful to the laws which make our Republic strong, to which we are all confident of its equality” said the President.

He went on to assure the missions domiciled in South Africa that he seeks to build bridges between employee and employer and to engage openly and in the utmost faith to resolve any situation that arises. The president pledged to remain an advocate of human rights and adhere and enforce the labour laws of South Africa.

Darlington expressed deep gratitude to the Missions for the compassion and leniency shown towards staff during this Covid-19 pandemic.
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