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Deputy Education Minister Praises Midrand's Nizamiye School

By InsightAfrica

6 February 2024

Midrand's Nizamiye School was praised by South Africa's Deputy Minister of Basic Education Dr. Makgabo Reginah Mhaule who was left impressed by how well the school understands that a good education goes far beyond simply teaching numeracy or literacy, but extends toward truly allowing students to grow and discover their full potential.

Dr. Mhaule, who visited the school earlier this week expressed a great deal of approval at seeing the unique education style through which learners are educated at Nizamiye School where a great deal of emphasis is placed upon matters of social cohesion and the idea of people living together and coexisting in love and harmony despite cultural, ethnic, or religious differences.

Mhaule also expressed how happy she is to see that Nizamiye is collaborating with the Time to Care charity organization, teaching the importance and allowing students the opportunity very early on to get involved in charity work and community initiatives aimed at helping people in need. During her visit, she was given the opportunity to watch a presentation of the collaboration between Time to Care, and the school. The Minister praised the humanitarian work of Time to Care by saying "Teaching students to help those in need from an early age is a very valuable behaviour".

"Our country needs young dynamics students like you," Mhaule said, praising Nizamiye's learners.

She went on further to say; "We can learn from what you are doing. Because we want to focus on the three-stream model. Our children, as things stand now in South Africa, must pass matric in order to be able to pursue the career of their choice. We are looking at the technical skills, vocational skills, and also schools of specialization," she said.

"While we are in Cape Town, we intend to see your schools in Cape Town. The same goes for Durban. As we move around the whole country and recognise areas to which you may expand, we will recommend this, especially seeing the great work that you do in previously disadvantaged communities," the deputy minister said.

The Executive Director of the Nizamiye School, Ishak Turan expressed his deep gratitude and honour at the opportunity to host the Deputy Minister. "Deputy Minister Dr. Mhaule congratulated our teachers and students for their success. The Minister had a conversation with grade 11th and 12th students, emphasizing that they should continue to work consistently from the first day to achieve their goals." Turan added.


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